วันพุธ, สิงหาคม 23, 2549

The Dixie Chicks Will Rise Again !

In the "Arts" section of the New York Times:

The Dixie Chicks may play a role in the November elections. A documentary film by Barbara Kopple and Cecilia Peck about the aftermath of a comment by the singer Natalie Maines in 2003 — “We’re ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas” — has been acquired for distribution by the Weinstein Company, Reuters reported. Release of the film, “Dixie Chicks: Shut Up and Sing,” is tentatively scheduled for the fall. It relates the death threats, political attacks and radio boycotts directed at the country music trio and could become a political lightning rod if Harvey Weinstein, a Democratic supporter, injects it into the impending campaign. The film is to have its premiere next month at the Toronto International Film Festival.

A lightning rod? Mayhaps, but why do I think this apparently self-serving pseudo-documentary will draw few to their cause, save for the strident second-rate editorial columnists of B-list northeastern newspapers? Most likely their teary victimhood will only add additional torch-holders to the angry mob that is braying for their overpaid, overexposed scalps.

Seems like they are simply preaching to the choir anyway - via Tim Blair:

On previous tours, the Dixie Chicks consistently sold out venues throughout North America. That changed on the band’s current tour, when planned shows in several Southern and Midwestern cities were canceled due to soft ticket sales. The group reshuffled its schedule to focus on areas where sales were still strong, including Canada and the Northeastern US.

Is the New York Times implying that the Dixie Chicks will help the Democrats in the fall elections?
You know, the way parading around with Michael Moore helped them secure the vote in 2004?

Some pre-election tea leaves here...
