วันอาทิตย์, สิงหาคม 13, 2549

Election Projection !

{click to enlarge}

And from the Washington Post:

...But mistaking anger for political wisdom is a dangerous luxury in democracies. It can become an all-consuming fire that destroys rather than builds. For the power-hungry and opportunistic, anger is an especially attractive instrument of manipulation in the political toolbox.
The especially angry year of 1968 ended with the election of tricky Dick Nixon, not poet-philosopher Gene McCarthy....

As we discussed here , it seems as if the extremist wing of the party is about to crash the entire Democratic plane, again...in the close to 40 years since '68, America has only seen two Democrats be elected to the nation's highest office; are they about to go four-wheelin' into the political wilderness again?

Somewhere, Karl Rove is grinning so widely that he'd make a Cheshire Cat jealous...

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ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

nice reference~