วันอังคาร, พฤษภาคม 30, 2549

Riots, Jew-Baiting Roil France !

Very little out on this in the English-speaking press (too busy digging up imaginary crimes against America), but France is burning, again. The first account, seemingly right out of 1939 Germany, is of gangs storming Jewish neighborhoods and tormenting the residents - No Parasan has a report, and Atlas has a rough translation of a report in French as follows:

Yesterday Sunday, at 5 p.m. 30, thirty members of a sect black which calls openly with violence anti-semite, “Tribe KA”, unloaded in the Street of the Rose trees, the heart of the Jewish district of Paris, armed with bats and other blunt objects.

During twenty minutes, they surveyed the street by intimidating the passers by, and while calling with the brawl: “where is the
Bétar? How the Jews come to fight if they dare it! ”.
The Jews of the Street of the Rose trees do not have, naturally, militia deprived at their disposal and were not in a position to answer these provocations. The police force in uniform, called quickly, appeared twenty minutes after the beginning of the event.

The tradesmen reproached to the police officers the slowness of their intervention. These reproaches took a more accusing turn when a senior police officer awkwardly affirmed: “we knew that they were going to come - and in fact, that had been announced on Internet site of the “tribe” - but we had instruction of in top not to intervene”

Sacre Bleu! Jew-bashing in France? Time to issue a statement and wag a finger at the perpetrators! Then, just to be fair, we must talk about how the Jews have brought this all on themselves with their expansionist aparthied terrorist polices against the poor, sweet, Palestinian people!

And the violence against innocent automobiles continues

Around 100 youths fought with police and torched cars and rubbish bins in a Paris suburb last night, close to the site of last November's Clichy-Sous-Bois riots.
French media reported that seven police were injured and six youths arrested in the clashes in Montfermeil, in the northern Seine-Saint-Denis region.
Youths wearing masks threw objects at officers and attacked them with baseball bats in the clashes, which began around 8.30pm after the arrest of a young man in a police operation earlier in the day. Police said the violence ended shortly after midnight.

The Reuters version of this story is
a little different:

Youths clashed with police in a Paris suburb overnight and attacked the home of the local mayor in disturbances one police union said were the worst since a wave of urban riots shook France in November.

French media said some 150 youths armed with baseball bats fought around 250 police for four hours in Montfermeil north of Paris after the arrest of a youth suspected of attacking a bus driver, an incident witnessed by the local mayor Xavier Lemoine.
Youths smashed windows, hurled two petrol bombs at the town hall and stoned the mayor's home, the media reports said.

It's gonna be a long, hot summer in Paris this year as the jihadis feel their oats...better make your vacation plans elsewhere....

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Imagine what our streets will look like if we elect a Democratic Europhile in 08