วันอังคาร, พฤษภาคม 16, 2549

The Hague Rises For Ayaan Ali !!

Seems like the attempt to appease the fascist multi-culties in the Hague has backfired on Secretary Rita Verdonk; as her plot to essentially deport free-speaking heroine Ayaan Hirsi Ali is causing an uproar:

Ayaan Hirsi Ali's fellow members of the VVD free-market party are in an uproar. The normally hugely loyal Dutch VVD MP Bibi de Vries has said that 'if anything happens to AHA, her blood will be on the hands of members of my party'.

What will happen next?
• AHA will hold a press conference, which is starting right now.
The political opposition is preparing a parliamentary condemnation of Verdonk's action. Such a condemnation will effectively end Rita Verdonk's tenure if it gets a majority.
• The condemnation may very well get that majority, because of the open revolt within the VVD. Also, the right-of-centre CDA party, which supports the current administration, has expressed doubts about Verdonk.
If Verdonk has to go, then the entire Balkenende administration may have to resign, if it turns out that Balkenende was informed of Verdonk's decision.

Also, the Dutch law philosopher Afshin Ellian, a colleague of mine at Leiden University (I've never met him though), is preparing legal action against Rita Verdonk.

And from the press conference:

13.56: Vice prime minister Gerrit Zalm openly supports AHA during her press conference, thus adding further fuel to speculations about Rita Verdonk's political future.
14.04. Zalm sneers at Verdonk, hinting at the extreme speed with which Verdonk decided to revoke AHA's citizenship: 'If she always works with this speed, the immigration service will soon be rid of all backlogs.'

Sweet. Ms. Verdunk, in her attempt to de-person Ms. Ali, will soon become a non-person herself.
Live by multiculturalism, die by it...
