วันอาทิตย์, พฤษภาคม 14, 2549

Larry Darby comes to Jersey!

...and speaks to a small group of hatemongers, while the good folk of New Jersey heckle:

About 20 activists held a peaceful protest Saturday outside a meeting hall that featured a controversial Democratic candidate for Alabama attorney general who has denied that the Holocaust occurred.

Larry Darby was the guest speaker at the National Vanguard New Jersey's monthly meeting... The National Vanguard, which describes itself as a white nationalist group, is a splinter group of the white supremacist organization, National Alliance.

Darby is general counsel for the Atheist Law Center in Montgomery, Ala. He has denied the Holocaust took place, telling The Associated Press that "there was no systematic extermination of Jews" and claiming most Jews during World War II died of typhus.

More than 20 people attended Saturday's closed-door meeting with Darby, which began shortly after 6 p.m. Many National Vanguard members, who blocked their license plates with plywood to conceal their identity, hurried inside and refused to speak to a reporter.

I would replace the word "hurried" with "scurried", 'cause that's what rodentia do...

Outside, protesters held placards and heckled people headed into the building. Some of those attending the meeting stopped and exchanged words with protesters, but discussions never became heated. A half dozen police officers stood outside of the hall to keep protesters at bay.

The demonstrators said they wanted to call attention to a hateful organization they say is tarnishing the image of Elmwood Park.
"The fact that so many prominent people are coming to their meetings indicates that we should do something about them," said protester Daryle Lamont Jenkins. "They are giving this city a black eye. The bottom line is – this is going to stop."

Meeting attendees included Kevin Alfred Strom, the founder of the National Vanguard, and teenage twins who are members of Prussian Blue, a band whose songs express "white pride," according to their Web site.

Lamont-Jenkins is pretty well known radical lefty around these parts, but a quick internet search will show you that he has been a thorn in the side of the National Alliance and other supremicist groups for years.

Read about Prussian Blue here, in an ABC News article entitled "Young Singers Spread Racist Hate". They take their name, incidentally, from the type of pigment/dye used in German Army uniforms. They're the Olsen twins of hate, but that's another story...again, look at whom our Alabama Democrat attracts...

More on Darby at A Bama Blog; wish I could find more in the New Jersey papers, but they have tax increases to drool over...
