วันพฤหัสบดี, พฤษภาคม 04, 2549

Alternative Energy? Not in Teddy's Backyard!

The hypocrisy of those whom cry for " alternative energy" is not to be believed - here's Ted Kennedy, liberal par excellence, blocking a plan to power a whole portion of blue state Massachutes with wind-generated energy because...it will block his, and his neighbors, pristine views:

Rich oceanfront residents of Cape Cod do not want their view of Nantucket Sound faintly obstructed by offshore protrusions of a proposed wind farm. So, they have hired lobbyists to kill Cape Wind, a project providing an environmentally sound source of energy. T heir most important ally in this venture is a fellow wealthy Cape Cod landowner, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy.

Supporters of the offshore grid of 130 wind turbines, standing 400 feet above the water, say it would supply three-quarters of the energy needs of Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard. By replacing oil, they say, it would sharply reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Kennedy opposes this, explains the buzz on Capitol Hill, because he does not want to despoil the pristine appearance of a natural resource dear to his family and the memory of John F. Kennedy...

Cape Cod landowners are not interested in Jack Kennedy's legacy or special privileges for Cape Wind. Horrified by an obstructed seaview and interference with their yachting, they retained top lobbyists....

More white-limo liberals, claiming they have the right to dictate what I drive, what I pay for gas, and how much energy I consume...and then insist that no, it doesn't apply to them...

Blocking clean energy, Jersey-style, here .
