วันอาทิตย์, พฤษภาคม 07, 2549

Counting Their Chickens...

...before they hatch, as always...the Democrats give us a glimpse into a future where they control Congress; and they promise us vengence upon one George W. Bush:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) said in an interview last week that a Democratic House would launch a series of investigations of the Bush administration, beginning with the White House's first-term energy task force and probably including the use of intelligence in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq. Pelosi denied Republican allegations that a Democratic House would move quickly to impeach President Bush. But, she said of the planned investigations, "You never know where it leads to."

So the San Francisco lefty denies that she is planning to impeach Bush, but promises investigation after investigation in order to facilitate that result. First an impeachment, than an apology to Saddam, then a quick demilitarization, right, Nancy? Hello, reality check:

Stuart Rothenberg, editor of the nonpartisan Rothenberg Political Report, said his most expansive estimate classifies 52 seats as "unsafe," 40 of them Republican, 12 of them Democratic. But, he said, only a tidal wave would dislodge the incumbent party from many of those seats, and more realistically, 30 Republican seats and five Democratic districts are vulnerable...

As I said yesterday, if the Republicans do not get their act together in the next few months, they may in fact lose Congress. But at least the Democrats are being honest in what they will provide to the American people if elected:

Pelosi also vowed "to use the power to investigate" the administration on multiple fronts, starting with the task force convened in secret by Vice President Cheney to devise the administration's energy policy. The administration has successfully fought lawsuits since 2001 that sought to reveal the names of energy company executives tapped to advise the task force.

"Certainly the conduct of the war" in Iraq would be the subject of hearings, if not a full-fledged House investigation, Pelosi said. Another subject for investigation could be the use of intelligence on Saddam Hussein's alleged weapons of mass destruction to make the case for the 2003 invasion.
Hoyer added that he would like to see investigations into the extent of domestic wiretapping by the National Security Agency....

And I am sure that many other Democratic officials will have axes to grind with the administration; and they will have their own committees, panels, and inquiries as well. I guess that is the result when you have a party whose only priority is to grind axes, unveil conspiracies, and usurp the democratic processes; all courtesy of election contributions by the trial lawyer lobby.

And as usual, note how national security is nothing more than an afterthought...

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ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Imagine if in the middle of WWII, the opposition party held an inquiry into why we weren't prepared for the German counterassault aka "The Battle of the Bulge".
We'd be blogging in German right now