วันศุกร์, มีนาคม 24, 2549

Released, or Rescued?

Words carry great weight; I am tired of scared diplomats brushing off threats as hyperbole - everytime since 9/11 I hear "Death to America", boy, I believe it...
That's why the play on words taking place on yesterday's rescue by Coalition forces of the Christian Peacemaker Teams is bothering me - you see, according to some, they were not rescued, they were released.
There is a world of difference - Fausta links us to Michelle Malkin's readers, who make some strong points...first, a letter to CPT:

Sisters and Brothers,
I am a Christian living in San Francisco. I support the Iraq War.
Regarding your statement on the release of your fellow Peacemakers: How about giving thanks to the US and British soldiers who rescued your friends from terrorists?
They weren't released by good-hearted terrorists or by international good will . It took the coalition forces to do it. Those forces have also rescued Afghanistan and Iraq from brutal dictatorships that have terrorized and imprisoned millions of people. Setting the captives free can take many forms and I think you could show some gratitude for that.
If you have the faith to love your enemies, you might consider loving your friends and rescuers too.

Reader Bob T. notes moonbat fever at the BBC:

With regard to the former hostages from the "Christian" "Peacemaker" Teams, Britain seems afflicted with "released" vs. "rescued" syndrome. Indeed the only ones who mention the military operation in this article express concern about it, as if the good-hearted kidnappers were about to free them any day. Tony Blair's contribution from a spokeman is dissapointing, and the comment from a former Gitmo detainee is beyond unctuous.

Tony Blair, in the BBC link above, offers the following:

A spokesman for Tony Blair said: "The prime minister is delighted by the news. He is particularly pleased for those released and their families and congratulates everyone involved in the rescue operation."

"Released" indicates kind-hearted, loveable terrorists let them go. That is an improper word to use here. They were found securely bound, then rescued, by a military operation. Rescued from terrorists whom had already murdered one hostage. Using the word release here, whether by CPT, or Tony Blair, or the BBC, is factually changing the story to create a false impression of our enemies, and negate the hard work and risk undertaken by coalition servicemen.

Let us be honest in our assesment of our enemy's motivations and character, and let us not be afraid to praise ourselves for a job well done, even if it had to be conducted at the business end of a gun...
