วันเสาร์, มีนาคม 25, 2549

"Peacemakers" ?

The rescued members of the Christian Peacemakers Team are throwing their bodies in front of the Islamist terrorists:

The three peace activists freed by an SAS-led coalition force after being held hostage in Iraq for four months refused to co-operate fully with an intelligence unit sent to debrief them, a security source claimed yesterday.
The claim has infuriated those searching for other hostages.

Neither the men nor the Canadian group that sent them to Iraq have thanked the people who saved them in any of their public statements.
The two Canadians kidnapped with Mr Kember - Harmeet Sooden, 32, and Jim Loney, 41 - were said to have been co-operative at first but less so on arriving at the British embassy in Baghdad after being given the opportunity to wash, eat and rest.

Can you imagine the pain of other families, ones who have bretheran held hostage in Iraq, upon hearing that these rescued hostages refuse to provide any information that might help lead to the whereabouts of other prisoners?
Let us be clear - CPT, as well as other leftist activist groups such as Rachel Corrie's ISM, are not peace movements in any way, shape, or form. They are actively aiding and abetting terrorists and Islamist fascists in their goal of overthrowing Western Civilization. If they think they can fool us by using words like "peace", or "solidarity", well, we are just a tad smarter than they think.

Next time, let's leave these rats in their holes; not a single coalition life is worth their rescue.

LGF has a mission statement from CPT back in 1998 here; note how they practically choke on their voluminous anti-semitism...
