วันอังคาร, มีนาคม 14, 2549

Belgium Cracks Down!

No, not on the barbarian hordes, silly! After all, it is self-evident that all cultures are equal, right? No, they are cracking down on speech that is critical, even in a humerous way, of Muslims! In the You-Cannot-Make-This-Up department, we hear from the Brussels Journal:

The City of Antwerp...has requested that the Belgian courts prosecute a member of the city council...
The Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism (CEOOR), a tax-funded government inquisition office that under Belgian law has the competence to prosecute for discrimination and incitement to hatred, has also started a prosecution.
The councillor’s crime? He forwarded an e-mail that has been
circulating widely on the internet for weeks:

A Danish website offers apologies to all “offended” Muslims. Here is what it says [excerpt - ed.]:
We’re sorry we gave you shelter when war drove you from your home country…
We’re sorry we took you in when others rejected you…
We’re sorry we gave you the opportunity to get a good education…
We’re sorry we gave you food and a home when you had none…
We’re sorry we let you re-unite with your family when your homeland was no longer safe…We’re sorry we never forced you to work while WE paid all your bills…
We’re sorry we never forced you to learn our language after staying 30 years…
We’re sorry for everything else…And we’re sorry for having to say sorry…!

Probably most readers of this blog has gotten emails of the type above (or, say, some extremely sexist ones? ) and forwarded them onto a few friends who you know will get a smirk out of it. Could you imagine, with your finger poised on the "send" key, knowing that you could be sent to jail for doing so?
This is what Free Europe has descended to. Or is this the ultimate evolution of all liberal governments -whether hardcore Communist or softcore Labor - one of repression of free speech, based on the credo of "the common good"?

At least when they had the chance, the citizens of Europe voted against the constitution of the EU. They knew where a dictatorship of the bureaucrats would lead, but alas, it is already upon them. "The Center for Equal Opportunity and Opposition to Rascism", indeed...
