วันเสาร์, มีนาคม 25, 2549

It's Not Islamophobia When There Really Is Something To Fear

So says Volokh...excerpts:

The striking thing about the Abdul Rahman prosecution — in which an Afghanistan court is considering whether to execute Rahman because he converted from Islam to Christianity — is how Establishment the prosecution is. The case is before an official Afghani court. The death sentence is, to my knowlege, authorized by official Afghani law..

Well, the lousy Jews do the same thing in Israel; killing converts and...what? They don't? They allow Christians and Muslims to live in their lands in peace, and even let homosexuals to hold Knesset seats? Er....more Jew lies!

We're not talking about some rogue terrorist group, or even the government of Iran, which is deliberately and strongly oppositional to the West. We're talking about a country that we're trying to set up as something of a model of democracy and liberty for the Islamic world.

This is telling evidence, it seems to me, that there is something very wrong in Islam today, and not just in some lunatic terrorist fringe...This is deeply dangerous, most obviously to residents of countries in which radical Islamism has broad support, but also to residents of Western countries as well.

Now here is where Volokh gets a bit lost:

We need to call on moderate Muslims to criticize those teachings ...

Moderate whats? Drop me a line when you find one....

The accusations of "islamophobia," "defam[ation]," "religious intolerance," and promotion of "religious hatred" strike me as quite damaging to serious, sensible Western consideration of the threat that some strands of Islam in fact pose. There really is something to be afraid of. There are true, not false, criticisms being made of important strands of Islam...

Well, if the PC Left won't allow discussion of what Volokh call "dangerous strands of Islam", then we won't discuss it. Maybe when we are all bowing towards Mecca to say our daytime prayers, we may be allowed to think it....
And maybe, this is where some strong politcal leader should stand up (hello, Mr. President!) and speak the truth to the West, and to Islam...
