วันศุกร์, มีนาคม 17, 2549

Hollywood, At War With...Itself

'Crash' director to lead Hollywood anti-Iraq war Protest

Paul Haggis, the Canadian director of "Crash", this year's Oscar winner for best picture, will lead a protest in Hollywood this weekend against the war in Iraq, now three years old, organizers said.
Haggis will be joined by other celebrities and politicians in the vanguard of the demonstration Saturday, which will assemble at noon at the legendary intersection of Hollywood and Vine and march through the heart of Tinseltown, the organizers said.

The Canadian director, whose gritty racial drama won three Oscars in the March 5 Academy Awards ceremony, will be flanked by US actors Martin Sheen and Maria Bello and singer and social activist Harry Belafonte.
"This protest will commemorate the third anniversary of the criminal US 'Shock and Awe' invasion of Iraq, in which more than 100,000 Iraqis and 2,300 US troops have died," said ANSWER Coalition-LA, the anti-war umbrella organization organizing the protest.
Other notables expected to march are Vietnam War veteran Ron Kovic, the author of the book "Born on the Fourth of July," which later became an academy-award winning film; Gloria Romero, a state Democratic senator; and Dolores Huerta, the co-founder of the United Farm Workers of America.

More on the ANSWER spitbags here
More on "social activist" Harry Belafonte here
State Senator Gloria Romano is here - perhaps a world record for affiliation with liberal groups?

And fighting back, in the right corner, is South Park's Trey Parker and Matt Stone; ignoring Comedy Central's plea to just keep quiet about the Tom Cruise affair:

" So, Scientology, you may have won THIS battle, but the million-year war for earth has just begun! Temporarily anozinizing our episode will NOT stop us from keeping Thetans forever trapped in your pitiful man-bodies. Curses and drat! You have obstructed us for now, but your feeble bid to save humanity will fail! Hail Xenu!!!
- Trey Parker and Matt Stone, servants of the dark lord Xenu."

My heroes!

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Aaron Hanscom กล่าวว่า...

I've got some photos at my blog.