วันพุธ, มิถุนายน 01, 2548

Hollywood Hate on “Law & Order”

Thought you were so smart you could pull this one off quiet-like, an inside joke to brag about at cocktail parties? Not so fast, you traitorous Hollywood slimebags ! Watch their pathetic attempts to turn "Law & Order" into a vehicle to bash Republican leadership, in this case Tom Delay - http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=597&e=4&u=/nm/20050527/tv_nm/media_nbc_delay_dc

DeLay's name surfaced on Wednesday night on the show's season finale, which centered on the fictional slayings of two judges by suspected right-wing extremists.

In the episode, police are frustrated by a lack of clues, leading one officer to quip, "Maybe we should put out an APB (all-points-bulletin) for somebody in a Tom DeLay T-shirt."

DeLay penned off a letter to NBC Universal President Jeff Zucker, expressing (justified) annoyance at being linked, even fictionally, with a judge-killer (part of a right-wing group, naturally). Caught red-handed, could Zucker and crew just admit to their biases then and there; laugh it off, “apologize” perhaps, like liberals are always saying we must do? No, non…check out this howler of a defense:

NBC Entertainment President Kevin Reilly responded in a statement that the dialogue in question "was neither a political comment nor an accusation."

"The script line involved an exasperated detective bedeviled by a lack of clues, making a sarcastic comment about the futility of looking for a suspect when no specific description existed," Reilly said.

So I am to believe that a hardened criminal investigator, in a moment of exasperation, would realistically make a crack involving Tom freakin’ Delay? Are they serious?

Better, does anyone in Hollywood understand that we do not take them seriously - at all? That these types of backhand slaps, that one cannot defend against, these are the ones that anger Americans the most?

The election of 2004 taught these “artistic elites” nothing.

They still think they matter; they still think we care…

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Got Pope, Need No Bart charliepatseas@yahoo.com Flushing NY

The Holy Father gone to Turkey to redeem and consecrate the Greeks,
so don't need no more soviet temples. Don't need no gyro blimpie Bart
when got a regular Pope without the diner attitude. My pop kept
hitting momma with a skillet on the head. Friends ended up in the
hospital after their pop beat them. Pops got drunk and ruined my
first car. Killed two cats and a dog, thrown out the window.
Neighbor drowned the canaries in ouzo, lit, ate them. Ma overdid
whip so she could give less pie. All our stuff came pilfered, with
logos. Greeks overcook all meat so no one knows is bad. Another
banned tenants flushing toilet paper. Waiters inpune sanitation
because "dirty is natural and healthy." Priests just answered "behave,
respect, tradition!" Now priest comes "no intercommunion!" Where was
he when we needed him to protect us from our crazy parents? Don't
sell me "educated Greeks" because we know all them Trojan Horse
cheated on the exams. Besides it's just TV repair school. Remember
all those jailed old disco Greeks, tax cheats to "protest" Jerome Ford
stopping the Trojan Horse in Chyprious? We can't get good jobs
because no one trusts Greeks, because of Trojan Horse. They always
faked reading Greek. That's why we borrowed regular Catholic books
instead of read Greek. Sure, we sacrifice to Greek myths three times
a year to please yiayia, and she's nun the wiser when we go to regular
Catholic Mass on Sundays when she bummed from bouzaki dances. Ain't
need no more Bart, just the regular Pope. That's why we all married
regular Catholic when we grew up. So they can trust us.