วันเสาร์, มิถุนายน 04, 2548

How we can lose the War

Normblog http://normblog.typepad.com/normblog links to a review of David Selbourne's new book, The Losing Battle with Islam. The thesis, according to Norm, is pessimistic:

It's the West that is losing: 'flagellat[ing] itself for its alleged shortcomings while rushing to understand its opponents' point of view'; underestimating those opponents; succumbing - the Europeans - to anti-Americanism, and falsely blaming George W. Bush for the advance of Islam.

Norm disagrees; but I believe if one defines “the West” as the Mainstream Media, or the Democratic Party; the above statement is 100% true – even the anti-Americanism part.

File under "Sad"...
