วันพฤหัสบดี, มิถุนายน 16, 2548

Environ-Mental Cases

The only thing that the JerseyNut likes less than a moonbat liberal is one of those crunchy environ-nuts. Every little atmospheric change is a portend of disaster; all humanity’s fault, of course (who caused all those other Ice Ages I read about in school, anyway? Alien SUV drivers?). We must lose our cars, our industry, and our advanced way of life, in order to save the planet, no matter how many may die in the process.

That’s right – environmentalists are killing the one they claim to want to help, the poorest and most vulnerable. For example:
- DDT is a horrible chemical that could hurt the ecosystem, so it must be banned, right? Well, it was, and right next to AIDS, isn’t malaria the biggest killer in Africa? Almost unanimous expert opinion agrees that DDT spraying would save uncounted lives of the poor in these third world countries, but the environ-loons will have none of that. So die, poor Africans, but die in peace, knowing your demise is helping the cause…

- Wetlands must be preserved at all costs!!! Environmentalists have gotten the state of New Jersey to declare every freakin’ puddle a wetland, and what’s the result? West Nile virus, of course! But don’t worry; it only kills the most vulnerable, like the elderly, young children, and poor people with limited access to health care. But those puddles are preserved; so the relatives of the dead should take comfort…

- Trying to buy a house anywhere on the East Coast lately? Almost impossible unless you’re making $200K, already have a home to sell, or are willing to take on crushing personal debt. Why should housing be so limited, in a state with so much land to spare? Ask the environmentalists who are driving up the prices of housing by forcing extreme regulations (passed by their Democratic lackeys) on builders, who charge more due to limited lands and excessive costs brought on by these regulations. So home buying becomes completely priced out for the lower middle class, and their portion of the American dream is eliminated, but hey! Look at those marshy swamps! Aren’t they just the crunchiest?

- Forest Fires – how many die each year in them, both ordinary citizens and brave flame-jumpers? How much money is laid out by insurance companies (raising the costs for the rest of us) in restitutions? Well, maybe if those environ-mental nutjobs would allow us just to cut down some dead trees, we could save both lives, money, AND forests!!

Remember, the Democratic party is in the pocket of these nutjobs, so when you vote for them, you are voting for malaria death in Africa, West Nile death in America, exorbitant home prices and raging forest fires. All brought to you by your local Democratic party!

Too bad the mainstream media is all to ready to jump on board with all of this scientific and political bullspit. All we hear from the media is how bad Bush as been for the environment; yet I never see any cause/effect reports on his policies; the media only repeats the dire threats of these tree-huggers, and relies on their junk science to back their specious claims. But why are they covering for the untruths of these environmentalists, not shedding light on the results of their policies, and hiding the lies that the Clinton Administration pushed on the American people to further the environmentalists leftist agenda? No different from their war reporting, I guess…

My local rag, the Asbury Park Press, takes such efforts to side with these losers they are more of an advocacy periodical than an objective news source. Sunday’s main op-ed story
http://app.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050612/OPINION/506120361/1030 details the reason while a commuter rail link should not be built through suburban New Jersey. This piece advocates adding buses in place of adding trains; using lies to justify their ruse:

...NJ Transit pointed out that the rail route distance from Lakewood to Manhattan via Monmouth Junction was 74 miles. (The junction is closer to Philadelphia than to New York.) In contrast, the highway distance from Lakewood to the Port Authority Bus Terminal and parking garage is only 56 miles. NJ Transit pointed out that with the change of trains required, the rail trip would take about two hours while highway congestion rarely added 10 minutes to a one-hour bus trip.

A rush-hour bus (6:34AM; yes, that’s rush hour in Jersey) from Lakewood to The Port Authority Terminal in Manhattan, according to a bus schedule found here http://www.njtransit.com/pdf/bus/T0139.pdf actually takes one hour and 48 minutes. Liars. So the extra 10 minutes that the extra congestion “rarely” adds makes it a two hour trip, same as the bus. Except riding the rails is a much more fuel-efficient and environment- friendly than adding hundreds of bus lines. It seems like a chaotic position for some one to argue; but the Park-Press has it reasons for letting this one slip through the cracks…

From what I hear, the main opposition is from two different groups of tree-huggers: One fears that, literally, too many trees will be felled. The other wants to protect some sort of historic walking path that would be disrupted by a commuter rail line.

Whom does the Park-Press side with? Well, here’s a clue from another tidbit on the op-ed page -http://app.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050612/NEWS0301/506120490/1093/OPINION:

Three cheers for acting Gov. Codey for designating 22 miles of the Shark River "category one," the highest level of protection for waterways. That will prevent any new construction within 300 feet of either side of the waterway or its tributaries.
Three developers with large projects could be adversely affected unless they secure necessary local approvals and state permits in about a week. The designation becomes official on June 20. One project, an outlet center, is opposed by the Asbury Park Press, which has filed two civil suits against it.

So the Park-Press is actively filing civil suits on behalf of the environment? A newspaper advocating an agenda is poor enough (but common enough, alas), but to actively engage in assisting this partisan agenda by printing columns with bald-faced lies unacceptable. It seems as if this newspaper must have some interest in the land that the railroad must go through (sounds like Blazing Saddles!); or is simply allowing itself to be used by these Jersey Greens as a conduit to push their own interests, no matter what the cost to the average New Jersey citizen.

The above is a classic example of the envoirnmentalists, with their cheerleaders in the media, committing the crimes against society I mentioned above - herd 'em onto endless bus rides! End plans to build housing! And don't you dare build that outlet mall, with all the tax revenue it would generate and the jobs it would create...

After all, we have trees to save.

Update: What's a post without a link? See here http://justoneminute.typepad.com/main/2005/06/bush_aide_edite.html for an interesting story on how the New York Times demonizes Bush for having administration officials review internal environmental documents; but gives a complete pass on years of Clinton-era grandstanding done to keep the green left on board and to support the candidacy (and book sales) of Al Gore.
