วันพฤหัสบดี, มิถุนายน 02, 2548

Dutch reject the EU...

...and it's no wonder, given how badly they are getting screwed by them...http://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/01/international/europe/01cnd-dutch.html

Dutch diplomats working in Brussels said that during the drafting of the constitution, the Dutch delegation felt frustrated because most of their proposals or aspirations were ignored. Those included the creation of the position of a future European president, which was approved, as well as the surrender of more of more judicial authority to the Union, which the Dutch argued against.

Dutch voters, who knew little about the drafting process, had different objections. Among their main complaints, reflected in opinion polls, was a feeling of being pushed around by the big countries and a belief that the decision-making process in Brussels lacks transparency and democracy.

The union's largest net per capita contributor, the Dutch resent that they stand to lose power within the expanded group of 25 members under the constitution's new voting rules.
The Dutch, including their government, have also loudly criticized France and Germany for flouting budget rules while the Netherlands and other countries were pressed to make painful cutbacks during recessions.

Kind of like asking to "give sanctions a chance to work", while making a fortune in the black market on sanctioned goods, right, France?

The French rejected the EU charter because they are the infants, wanting to continue with an unsustainable social benefit/high taxation system that is slowly, but surely, sending their nation to ruin.

The Dutch rejected the EU constitution because they know of the horror of living under the dictatorship of the elite: forced to endure terrorism in the name of political correctness, having your national treasury drained to help France and Germany sustain their socialist economies, and having unresponsive elites turn their backs when you have the nerve to complain about it.
