วันอังคาร, พฤษภาคม 31, 2548

Scenes from the Democratic Class War

Via Pejmanesque and Professor Bainbridge http://www.pejmanesque.com/archives/010490.html ; we learn how the middle class is abandoning the “party of the middle class” in droves:

This is the kind of headline Democrats have come to expect from their opponents: "Middle Class Voters Reject Democrats at the Ballot Box." But this time, the charge comes from inside the party, in a new report issued by the centrist group known as Third Way.

"Rather than being the party of the middle class, Democrats face a crisis with middle-income voters," the study argues.
"The 45% of voters who make up the middle class -- those with household incomes between $30,000 and $75,000 -- delivered healthy victories to George Bush and House Republicans in 2004."

Black voters supported the presidential candidacy of Sen. John F. Kerry (Mass.) and House Democrats by significant margins regardless of their income levels, but white middle-class voters tended to vote more like wealthy voters. "Democrats were not competitive at all among the white middle class," according to the study.

The report also contained alarming news for Democrats about Hispanic voters. The more Hispanics move into the middle class, the less they vote Democratic.

Why? Maybe it is whom the Democratic party lustily associates themselves with. From Tim Blair, we quote Democratic/Air America hero Michael Moore, who tells his middle-income audience http://timblair.net/ee/index.php/weblog/economic_prediction_astray :

Listen, friends, you have to face the truth: you are never going to be rich. The chance of that happening is about one in a million. Not only are you never going to be rich, but you are going to have to live the rest of your life busting your butt just to pay the cable bill and the music and art classes for your kid at the public school where they used to be free.

And it is only going to get worse.

Don’t try to back off of Moore now, Dems, because we remember how you put him on a throne at the Convention in August, right next to the other symbol of the Party, Jimmy Carter.

Now back to the Pejman:

I figure that the tax issue should pay a large role in the distribution of middle class votes--especially given the belief among middle class voters that if they work hard and obey the rules of society, they can become quite prosperous.

Therein lies the truth. Republicans want to give the equal opportunity to all, regardless of race/color/creed, to be rich, and figures the best way to do that is to trust them with their own money, and to allow them to achieve according to their own ability.

The Democrats don’t want their constituents rich; they’re afraid they’ll become Republicans. So tell ‘em all it’s just a pipe dream, that their best hope is in socialized medicine (and the taxes that pay for it) and hybrid cars. Try some race-based incentives to help certain poor groups (and keep them on-board); and make that striving middle-class pay for it. Don’t worry, it’s all in your best interests...

What do you mean, you’d rather vote Republican?
