วันอาทิตย์, พฤษภาคม 01, 2548

Air America encourages assasination

The "Tokoyo Rose" of the War on Terror, Randi Rhodes, has finally crossed the line on her pukenacous Air America radio program: http://www.nypost.com/entertainment/23522.htm

ALL-liberal Air America and talker Randi Rhodes apologized yesterday for a "bad taste" comedy bit in which President Bush was shot.
The Secret Sevice said yesterday it was looking into the incident to see if it constituted a threat to the president.
Rhodes opened her Monday afternoon radio show with an announcer blasting the president for his Social Security plan:
"A spoiled child [Bush] is telling us our Social Security isn't safe anymore, so he's gonna fix it for us. Well, here's your answer, you ungrateful whelp: [sound of three shotgun blasts].

What follows is a typical liberal apology, with no acceptance of blame, of course:

"It was a bit. It was bad. I apologize a thousand times," Rhodes told listeners yesterday on WLIB (1190 AM), adding: "I'm not in charge of the bits."

Rhodes followed up the bit by laughing hysterically; so I'm guessing she wasn't sorry until she realized she and her team had committed a license-threating felony. I'm sure she'll be cleared, but it demonstrates-
-generally, the frustration of the American Left, so bereft of ideas it must advocate assasination as a way to gain power
-specifically, the moral depravity of Air America radio

As I have always maintained here, Americans are smarter than their media gives them credit for. In New York City, home of hateful liberalism, Air America's flagship outlet WLIB had a miserable Winter 2005 rating book. From The Radio Equalizer http://radioequalizer.blogspot.com/2005/04/how-much-more-time-do-they-need.html :

It's been a full year for Air America's flagship station, WLIB, in New York City. Month after month, it has gone nowhere in the ratings. This month is no exception...WLIB's tiny 1.2 audience share, for all listeners 12 and older, is the same as for Fall 2004. The audience is actually smaller now than when the station first flipped to the liberal talk format from Caribbean programming. And the station ranks a whopping 24th place overall...Don't believe any of the leftist spin, there's no way to dispute this factual information. If I seem irritated here, it's because the dishonesty from the Air America supporters has just become tiresome...

And in Liberal Headquarters #2, AKA the city of Los Angeles?

KTLK's general manager wrote to the LA Times, insisting more time was needed to see where his station was headed. But so far, still no growth for the station: it held a flat, miniscule 0.3 share of all listeners 12 and older in the Los Angeles market. Drop any lower than that and a station becomes too small to show up in the ratings at all. With no sign of growth, KTLK ranked, are you ready for this, 44th overall in Los Angeles.

The media will still be trying to spin this, because ,after all, they listen to it in their cars and newsrooms. But radio is a business, and soon this mistake of a network will go silent (at last); a "victim" of Americans on both sides of the political spectrum who recognize hate speech when they hear it.

Postscript: Other posts on Air America made on Right, Wing-Nut! can be found here http://jerseynut.blogspot.com/2005/04/treason-on-am-dial.html and also here
