วันศุกร์, พฤษภาคม 06, 2548

Germans, strap on your Jackboots!

The Germans have found their new Jews - the Americans! From David Medienkritik's site http://medienkritik.typepad.com/blog/2005/05/threepeat_tony_.html :

From the German perspective, things look bleak indeed. Iraq has formed a sovereign government, Afghanistan is preparing for what will likely be successful parliamentary elections in the fall, and there is even the potential for progress on the seemingly intractable problem of Israeli-Palestinian relations. So how do you keep your world-view intact if international events fail to support it?

If you’re German media you ignore the good news and redefine the problem. America has been recently discovered to be the cause of Germany’s crumbling economy. It started when GM had the nerve to announce what every German already knows. Opel, GM’s German subsidiary, makes cars no one wants to buy. It was as if eliminating ten thousand overpaid jobs and closing a factory was the moral equivalent of war. Rather than address the root cause of German non-competitiveness, German government officials immediately announced plans to travel to Detroit so their constituents would know who was to blame. IBM will surely be the next national villian. With its poll numbers falling inversely with the rise in unemployment Schroeder's Social Democrats are reverting to their roots. Not only has the SPD compared capitalists to locusts, it has also announced that publicly held companies have a moral obligation to serve the social good as defined by government. In other words, shareholder profits should be directed toward maintaining Germany's welfare state, and thereby assuring the re-election of the SPD.

Hitler was an evil man; but there are sickos on every street corner on Manhattan preaching the same dogma. Why haven't we risen up, slayed the Jews, and assumed the world domination that is rightfully ours? Better Question: Why were the German people so eager to follow Hitler; and why are they so anxious to believe every bit of anti-American crap thrown out to them by Schroeder’s government and the rabid German media?
Think of this, every time our liberal media calls these Germans our "allies"...

UPDATE May 7th: From Damian Penny http://www.damianpenny.com/archived/004291.html:

The hosts of the German Open tennis tournament
apologised yesterday after a programme published for the event described the host club as enjoying a "golden age" after Jewish members were expelled by the Nazis.

No Comment, indeed....
