วันอาทิตย์, พฤษภาคม 29, 2548

Sacre Freakin' Bleu !!

French Reject Europe's First Constitution
http://news.yahoo.com/news? tmpl=story&cid=514&e=2&u=/ap/20050529/ap_on_re_eu/france_eu_referendum

French voters rejected the European Union's first constitution Sunday, President Jacques Chirac said — a stinging repudiation of his leadership and the ambitious, decades-long effort to further unite the continent.


France's rejection could set the continent's plans back by years. The nation was a primary architect of European unity.

"There is no more constitution," leading opponent Philippe de Villiers said. "It is necessary to reconstruct Europe on other foundations that don't currently exist."

De Villiers called on Chirac to resign — something the French leader had said he would not do — and called for parliament to be dissolved.


I'll post deeper later; I'm waiting for some of the Idiotarians to provide me with some juicy quotes...don't worry, they're coming...

1 ความคิดเห็น:

Kitty Cheng กล่าวว่า...

Pardon my ignorance mate...i don't quite get it! Why did the French people reject the EU's first constitution? And why would their rejction set Europe's plans back by years? Please explain!

by the way, thanks for visiting my blog!