Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Women Smell Stench Of Desperation on Democrats; And Turn Away In Disgust...

ABC News reports:

Barack Obama approaches his nomination for a second term with the lowest pre-convention personal popularity of an incumbent president in ABC News/Washington Post polls since the 1980s. He’s also at his lowest of the year among registered voters, with trouble among women.

Just 47 percent of registered voters in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll see Obama favorably overall, down 7 percentage points from his recent peak in April, while 49 percent rate him unfavorably.

The decline has occurred entirely among women registered voters – from 57-39 percent favorable-unfavorable in April to a numerically negative 46-50 percent now. That’s Obama’s lowest score among women voters – a focus of recent political positioning – in ABC/Post polls since he took office....

The result is not the only sign of the work ahead for Obama among women. In a separate ABC/Post poll last week, he led Romney among women registered voters in vote preference by just 6 points, 49-43 percent. In 2008, Obama won women by 13 points, 56-43 percent.

Maybe those Democrats are just coming off as a little bit too eager to please, almost...desperate, one might say. That's not exactly an aphrodisiac. And dragging one woman after another onto the podium like a bizarre left-wing beauty contest is not exactly a winning idea, either - kind of like bragging about former lovers in order to entice a new one. Yeah, classy.

The Democrats seem to have forgotten that while men play the game, women know the score:

Women know guys like Obama, who say they’ll leave their wife for you, and then go home and swear through tears to an outraged wife that the affair is over, and return to you and say they’re going to leave their wife. All the while, they are playing a round of golf, religiously, every Sunday...

They never get away with it forever; they just think they can.

And insulting them may gets laughs from your friends, but generally is a loser in the courting process.  Madeline Albright (what? that's a woman?? oh, well...) lets loose with this gem:

"...frankly, I don’t understand —I mean, I'm obviously a card-carrying Democrat — but I can't understand why any woman would want to vote for Mitt Romney, except maybe Mrs. Romney."

At which point Ann Althouse ripped her a new one, and reminded us that this in fact is the party of "the Lewinsky":

She was the most prominent of the Clinton Cabinet members who allowed themselves to be pulled forward to vouch for him, and she famously said, "I believe that the allegations are completely untrue." The powerful man must be right, and the little lady must be lying. This, from a woman who now "frankly" doesn't "understand" how women think.

And by the way, that new quote of hers is damned sexist. She can't visualize how a woman could reason and analyze and come to a conclusion that the more conservative approach is better. She presents women — all women, apparently — as voting based on some kind of fuzzy, feel-y thinking about women, within which the only appeal of Romney is his wife.

Put it all together, and you get the poll results seen above.  And it's only Day 1.

Wait until Sandra Fluke, Elizabeth Warren, and the Dancing Vaginas have their say....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Democrats Celebrate Ted Kennedy, Mary Jo Kopechne Unavailable For Comment"
