วันอังคาร, มกราคม 22, 2556

The Worst Line In Obama's Inaugural Speech Yesterday...

There are many candidates, but this one just sends a chill down my spine:

For we have always understood that when times change, so must we, that fidelity to our founding principles requires new responses to new challenges, that preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action.

Freedom in collectivism? Which is always - always - a result of coercion?  Even Obama realizes this, with the use of the word "requires"...

It rings a bell, doesn't it?  First, I though of the sign over Auschwitz:

"Arbeit Macht Frei” — “work sets you free”

Geez, Obama sure seems to working off the playbook of a certain ideology, doesn't he?

But perhaps it was a jarring reminder that it is, in fact, 1984:  Freedom is slavery, indeed...

Obama's holy trinity

I believe the totalitarian overtones to Obama's speech were intentional, by the way.  He has four years to rule, with no more elections to concern himself with.  He has all the flexibility he needs to fundamentally transform America into...well, see above.

People kicked themselves after World War II, when they realized Hitler laid out exactly what he was planning to unleash in Mein Kampf.  And while Obama won't be unleashing a Holocaust, he's about to unleash something which contains the roots of the same evil:  Dependence on, and worship of, The State.   Government uber alles...

Obama has warned us.  We'll have no excuses....

(If you want to read about the president's second-worst line, click the link.  Or if you want to read about the most factually ignorant thing Obama uttered yesterday, try here)
