วันพุธ, มกราคม 16, 2556

Hitler Did Lots Of Photo Ops With Kids, Too...

Sorry, but it was the first thing that came to mind when I saw that Barack Obama surrounded himself with children of mixed races, ages, and genders as a prop to validate his use of executive power to bypass Congress  - and the Constitution  - en route to overturning the Second Amendment, and leaving all Americans disarmed before an ever-more aggressive government:

From left to right: Hinna Zeejah, 8, Taejah Goode, 10, Julia Stokes, 11, and Grant Fritz, 8, who wrote letters to President Barack Obama about the school shooting in Newtown, Conn., watch as Obama signs executive orders outlining proposals to reduce gun violence...

The AP seems to be unaware that orders aren't proposals, they're...orders.  Yid with Lid has the list of all 23, should you be interested in detailing the erosion of your freedom...

Mollie Hemingway at Ricochet is more than a bit offended:

Exploiting children for political ends is not something done by only one political party, but it's something I abhor. Today's example comes from the esteemed White House, which is not even trying to be subtle about it.

When President Obama engages in his latest bit of political theater today, he will be surrounded by KinderProps. Apparently there are adults in this world who have no problem allowing their own children to be exploited by politicians. Ugh.

And as part of the KinderProp Campaign, the White House gave the Associated Press letters from little kids pleading for gun control. Is that narrative clear enough for you?

Using kids to put a gentle face on evil is old hat (like much of what comes out of the Obama White House).  It's been done before:

Peas in a pod....

UPDATE: Ann Althouse:

...Obama is using a form of propaganda that should be considered not merely ridiculous but repulsive. For us today to see Hitler and Stalin using children is to easily perceive the absurdity of promoting a political agenda juxtaposing it to a lovely, innocent child...

1 ความคิดเห็น:

Raisal the conservative liberal กล่าวว่า...

Guys, just because hitler did something simular to obama doesn't mean obama is a dictator. Stop seeing the boogyman everywhere obama's in, what obama does, and everything he owns! Even his religon is slanderd. Stop calling him a muslim.