วันอาทิตย์, มกราคม 20, 2556

Because - Before Obama - America Never Was That Type Of Place...

The article from the AP - which the villainous Yahoo! could not wait to give top billing - is a sanctimonious suck-off of the president:

What Obama wants written in the first paragraph of history is that he helped deliver a better life for the people struggling in the richest nation on earth.
His second-term agenda amounts to a wish list in support of that core idea, and this time, he is freer to define the issues...

It gets worse, as our intrepid AP reporter paints a picture even some of the president's most loyal blowjob queens would have a hard time, er, swallowing...

By the time he is sworn in again, Obama will have sworn off some of the problems he inherited.
The recession is over.

Sigh. If you say so....

(More on the unhinged bias and animosity of Yahoo News can be found herehereherehere and here, andhere and here...and here. Oh, and here...here too...)
