วันพฤหัสบดี, มกราคม 31, 2556

"New Republic" Dumps Their Jews...

Ah, the good old days are back.  That is, if you consider the enactment of the Nuremberg Laws something to feel nostalgic about....

Seems as if the new owner of the New Republic - wealthy dilettante Chris Hughes - has removed the names of some of the magazine's most prominent Jews from their masthead:

The New Republic has quietly dropped at least five prominent Jewish writers from its masthead in a move that may signal the publication’s continued drift away from a staunchly pro-Israel standpoint.

The names of several prominent Jewish writers from both the left and right of the political spectrum were dropped....

They include: Daily Beast reporter Eli Lake, longtime TNR columnist James Kirchick, Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer, and onetime senior editor Lawrence Kaplan. Complicating the picture, former TNR editor Peter Beinart was also dropped from the masthead. Beinart is the publisher of Open Zion, an anti-Zionist Daily Beast blog sponsored by the New America Foundation.

Gee, who else would have an interest in a key liberal magazine dropping it's "pro-Israel" standpoint, and perhaps cutting loose some of those pesky Jews?  I don't know, maybe...Barack Hussein Obama,  who Chris Hughes recently conducted a fawning interview with for his new toy, the New Republic?  For whom Hughes was the “former online campaign adviser”?   To whom Hughes contributed over $20,000 to in 2012?

No many how many times you tell a Jew that the Left is anti-Semitic, no matter how much evidence they see with their own eyes, they'll never believe you.  Which is why we always wind up huddling in cattle cars...or bomb shelters.

I'll say it, even as my brethren stop their ears and screech "Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb...." :

America 2012:  Jews Need Not Apply

1 ความคิดเห็น:

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

I wrote an entire post a while back based on your first sentence:

"The Jews and Barack Obama: Battered Wife Syndrome"



Thanks for the comment, by the way...interesting and valid.