วันจันทร์, มกราคม 14, 2556

Lady Gaga: Gun Nut? Or Dumb Slut?

Maybe this is her subtle way of telling bullied kids (her cause de jour) that the Second Amendment protects their rights to fight back?

Lady Gaga brazenly gave a whole new meaning to the term “gun rack” this weekend when the provocative pop star wore an “assault rifle” bra during a show in Canada — despite the sensitive debate over such weapons gripping the US in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting.

While I am quite the strong supporter of gun rights, I think that wearing automatic weaponry as frivolous sexual accessory is a bit tasteless, especially at this date and time.  

I would understand if Lady Gaga was trying to play an anti-hero here, or throwing around some punk rock-style rebellion in an attempt to piss people off, or shake up the system.  But is seems as if  Gaga apparently signed a petition a few weeks ago demanding greater gun control.  It reads in part:

“The time has come for courage. The Courage to make our schools and workplaces, our shopping malls and movie theaters -- all the places we share every day -- safe from gun violence. The courage to stand up to the NRA -- to put human life ahead of extreme ideology. The courage to ban weapons of mass murder that at anytime, anywhere, can turn America into a killing field."

Seems like Gaga is sending mixed messages.  Or perhaps has revealed herself as a standard vacuous celebrity, paying lip service to popular causes but refuses to sacrifice anything of value to support them.  Even if that something of value is a Tommy-gun brassiere.

If the time is here for "courage", well...Lady Gaga just proved she has none.

No taste, either.

1 ความคิดเห็น:

drew458 กล่าวว่า...

sorry, that's a Class III bra. Those look like machine pistols to me. Therefore they aren't assault weapons from the OTHER end of the definition.