วันศุกร์, ตุลาคม 12, 2555

Ryan/Biden: An Illuminating Debate

When in court, if you have the law on your side, argue the law. When you have facts on your side, argue the facts. And when you have neither, pound the table...

Well,  Crazy Old Joe sure did a lot of pounding last night,  figuratively if not literally.  Most likely, he achieved his primary goal last night - to rev up a dispirited Democratic base, deflated after their god-king bled before 70 million Americans last week.

But to any Americans who were not part of the MSNBC wing of the Democratic party, a lot of other, more subtly delivered messages, came thorough loud and clear:

-Obama's record is atrocious. and undependable, and he has nothing planned save more of the same should he get a second term. Pejman Yousefzadeh (who provided the lede quote as well):

All of the eyerolls, the fake laughs, the clownish facial expressions, the attempts to interrupt Paul Ryan while Ryan spoke–all of that was done to try to disrupt an actual debate, and distract from actual criticisms of the Obama record. People who are confident that they have the facts on their side would not feel the need to act like the troublemaking kid at the back of the classroom throwing spitballs and being loud and rude while everyone else tried to get their work done and while the teacher tried to actually teach the kids something...

-Should anything awful happen to Barack Obama, Joe Biden will become president of the United States.  Based on his performance last night, he is uniquely unqualified for that position.  Paul Ryan, on the other hand, came across as the sort of sober, thoughtful second-in-command that you would feel confident with at the helm, should it be necessary.

- The fact that Democrats rended their garments over Obama's docile debate performance and wet their pants over Biden's orgy of nasty says everything you need to know about the emotional and intellectual makeup of this party. For all of their holier-than-thou posing, they are a hostile, hateful bunch. They are not interested in the facts and opinions of their fellow Americans, as Biden proved last night - they simply want you to accept theirs at face value. Should you question them, well - you will not be answered with honest debate, but with smears, sneers, and character assassination (just ask the Tea Party. Or Paul Ryan.). The Democrats do not want to lead America - they want to rule over it, and break those who defy them. Such was the message sent by Joe Biden's body (and verbal) language last night..

Is Obama down with this?  Oh, you betcha:

President Barack Obama says Joe Biden “was terrific” in the vice presidential debate....Obama spoke to Biden briefly after the debate. The president says he “could not be prouder” of Biden...

Democrats are dancing in the aisles this morning.  But expect them, within a few days, to be crying in their soup (again).  Because Joe Biden, with his childish antics, revealed much more about the liberal agenda than they realize.  And that has never been a good thing for the Democrats...
