วันเสาร์, ตุลาคม 27, 2555

Anecdotal evidence, to be sure. But...

Spent some time driving around Central Jersey today.  Not exactly a bastion of conservatism.  And still....

I saw a group of around 6-7 people standing at a intersection a mere few blocks from my home, holding Romney signs and American flags, enjoying  the honks of  passers-by...

Another suburban crossroads, a few miles away, I spied the same thing.  A handful of individuals,with raised home-made expressions of  support for Mitt Romney.

On Route 9, one fellow stood on the side of the highway, smiling, facing traffic with his own placard supporting Mitt.

These people were not part of any organization, as far as I could tell.  The demonstrations of support looked haphazard, hastily thrown together, yet fully earnest and joyful.

There is no real Romney field organization to speak of in New Jersey.These were true grassroots enthusiasts, in every sense of the word.

Not a pro-Obama "rally" to be seen anywhere. And Romney/Ryan yard signs outnumbered Obama signs by about 7-1.

I'm not saying Romney is going to win here.  Most recent polls show Obama with about a ten-point edge, down from the 16 margin he enjoyed in 2008.

But if Obama's support is waning in Blue Jersey...how is he going to win the "swing states"?  And how will this affect the down-ticket races, if Jersey Democrats are as lifeless as they seem?  And especially if the Obama edge in New Jersey is actually less than 10 points?

Just from looking around a state called Blue Jersey, in a place called Obamatown, well...I think things are not what they once seemed.

~Posterity makes the judgments. There are going to be a lot of surprises in store for everybody.
Irwin Shaw

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Hey Wing-Nut

Love this post!!! I forwarded it to a Chicago Blogger "Hillbuzz.com" who is looking for grassroot ground work in other states. So Proud of our fellow wing-nuts for doing their part to get rid of Obama!!!

Thanks for the Post!! Stay safe through the hurricane!!!

Wendy from Brick, NJ