วันอาทิตย์, ตุลาคม 28, 2555

About To Switch To Sandy-Blogging....

Well, this should be interesting.  Looks like Sandy is going to come barreling into my front yard:

(click to enlarge)

Truthfully, I am just ever-so-slightly north of Freehold Township (in yellow), and this track at the moment has it smashing head-on into Atlantic City, which is about 85-90 miles south of my modem. Other storm models have Sandy heading into Toms River, a mere 25-odd miles due south of my terminal.  But in the scope of a storm whose reach is now exceeding 800 miles, these are rather small variations...

More to follow, of course.  One odd thing:  Local CBS affiliate did a split-screen on the Jets game to broadcast a Chris Christie news conference on the storm; the governor sounded and looked really sick.  Drawing breath through his mouth, he was almost wheezing; his voice was nasally and the bags under his eyes had bags under them.

I have no doubt he'll lead us through this, but I fear for the long-term ramifications on his health. Constant exposure to a hurricane's full force while ill and weighing over 300 pounds -  likely on no sleep for what may well be days - is another form of danger that the governor would be well advised to monitor...

UPDATE: Video of Christie at this link (I removed the embed, I hate auto-starts).  What do you think?
