วันเสาร์, พฤศจิกายน 05, 2554

Yahoo! Homepage Finds Space To Pimp New Jersey Democrats...

Why do I keep Yahoo! as my homepage?  Minimal options, I guess. Well, since I barely use Explorer any more anyway -I'm a Chrome guy now - it usually doesn't matter...

But this type of shit pisses me off.  On the local tab of my Yahoo! homepage, look at what comes up as "local news", specifically, the top two:

They are both endorsements by "MyCentralJersey.com" of a slate of Democratic candidates, and rather thin ones at that, from a barely-read news site.

This is virtually a daily occurrence, by the way.  The Yahoo! top local story will read "Chris Christie fails New Jersey again", or something of that ilk, but a click on the link brings you not to a well-worded news story or opinion piece, but to some barely-literate "letter to the editor" of some local news website, writeen by a slack-jawed Piney (or a Democratic operative, who the papers will never identify as such).  But the "top story", when it is political in nature, is always - always - slanted against Republicans.  Or blatantly favorable towards Democrats.

Well, I guess Yahoo! did its job - making the endorsements of a two-bit website, with readership that likely barely exceeds this one, seem like news.  But I'm not sure how influential it really is, in terms of Yahoo's attempt at swaying votes.  But it did influence me to stop using my Yahoo search engine.  F*ck it, I rather feed the Google beast for eternity than give the leftist douchebags at Yahoo one more stinking click-thru...
