วันเสาร์, พฤศจิกายน 12, 2554

Political Animals At Occupy Denver Elect The Wrong Dog...

I really thought the reports weren't serious, that is was all a joke....but it appears the folks at Occupy Denver did in fact elect a dog to be their leader.  And even stranger, they did it as some kind of protest against would-be ally/closet 1%'er Michael Moore:

...it began with Michael Moore. Stung by the documentarian's refusal to follow general assembly guidelines at his recent visit to Occupy Denver, the idea of electing a symbolic (if hairy) leader struck him as an opportune statement.

"(Moore) walked in with security and made everyone listen to him in the center of the circle with a bullhorn like he was our leader, even though he said out loud it's a leaderless movement," says Nesby, a recent Westword profile subject. He and a few fellow occupiers gathered to contradict the misconception that the group needs an end-all representative....

OK, whatever that means. I just thought they elected the smartest mammal present...

But while Shelby seems to be a sweet, kind dog, I'm not sure she really has what it takes to lead a socialist rebellion.

The Occupy Denver group should have looked to the home of whiny, needy fascists, and gotten a clue. If you are going to rebel against society with a dog at the helm, he or she had better be a...Riot Dog:

...fearless, and at the front lines...

With the troops before battle...

Leading the anarchist army through the fog of tear gas...

Not afraid of mace, baton, nor firearm, Riot Dog charges the enforcers of the status quo, as they quail with fear....

A mocking strut before his vanquished foes...

This is a protest dog.  This is a leader, with guts, brains, and apparent military acumen.

And he likely smells better than anyone at the Occupy Denver camp as well...
