วันอังคาร, พฤศจิกายน 01, 2554

Occupy Wall Street - A Rape Camp? If So, Don't Blame The Cops...

Big Government has posted a video from a Zuccotti Park "occupier" named Channing Kehoe, who discusses some of those pesky little issues they've had in their encampment....like an epidemic of sexual assault. On both genders:

We’re trying to figure out what to do about [the drugs]…It’s putting all these people in danger–that, there’s sexual assault going on, we’re trying to deal with that…mostly drunk guys, going, groping girls, there was a guy that got raped, too, here–a deaf younger man…

Channing guessed at at least ten sexual assaults within the past few weeks, which means the number is likely higher. Even if there are "hundreds" in the camp, two-plus rapes a week is an insanely high number. Were it a conservative protest, well - can you imagine the ire from the women's groups?

But Channing's placing of blame on the police is misguided, at best . The bums, the homeless, and the drifters have "occupied" places like Zuccotti park for decades now, their rights to loiter and pollute the atmosphere are considered untouchable. What makes the "occupiers" any different? Their class status? Their college degrees? The color of their skin?

And why should the police - knowing full well that homeless advocates have it in for them, and will pounce with a legal case on the slightest grounds - risk their careers to break up a squabble that is basically between two sets of squatters? On what grounds does Channing feel that the police owe her, and her fellow "occupiers", special protection from another class of "occupiers" that were most likely there first?

Entitlement, I suppose? While Channing whines about it, girls and boys are being raped by criminals within their midst. Maybe before they unleash anarchy next time, they should empower a few conservatives - think Rudy Giuliani - to "clean up" the areas they wish to occupy.

Then they can rail at us, with hatred and disdain, all from within the safety zone we have created for them...

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