วันพฤหัสบดี, พฤศจิกายน 03, 2554

If Men's Wearhouse "Stands With The 99%"....

Why are they in the business of selling men's suits? Are they not profiting by selling the uniform worn by the men (and occasionally women) who oppress the downtrodden? Can you imagine a Jewish tailor sewing suits for the SS, and then selling them at a discount?

Seen in Oakland:

I'd love to huff and puff about never shopping in Men's Wearhouse again, but I kinda ditched them a good five years ago, maybe more. I get a better deal at Syms, and their slogan - "An educated consumer is our best customer" - is the ultimate ballsy defense of the market-based economy.

While I'll assume Men's Wearhouse was acting out of belief and/or appeasement (as their store seemed unharmed by the rest of the carnage that hit Oakland), perhaps they were actually sending an entirely different message.  Via Instapundit, a truck driver working out of the "Occupied Port of Oakland" vents:

“These people are out here trying to make a living. I get paid per run, I don’t get paid by the hour,” he said. “My personal opinion? The 1 percent down here is protesting, the 99 percent is down here working.”

So maybe that's what Men's Wearhouse was saying - "we stand with the 99% of working Americans, but we're closed to protect our employees from the savages of the 1%. We'll be open tomorrow, though, with great deals for the working class!"

Maybe. But cowardice has a certain stench - especially when mixed with the odor of discount-priced menswear - and I believe I can detect it, even here on the other side of the continent.

If you city has a choice...try capitalism.  Try Syms...

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