วันอังคาร, มีนาคม 01, 2554

John Edwards To Be Indicted?

To be fair, John Edwards was right on his key campaign thesis - there are two Americas. One which is occupied by honest, hardworking folks who pay their taxes , are loyal to their spouses, and obey the law.

The second America is occupied by politicians and their support groups (which includes public-sector unions, first and foremost), to whom very little of the law seem to apply.

And it appears as if John Edwards is migrating from the second America to the first,
much to his dismay:

... a federal grand jury in Raleigh could soon hand up an indictment against him in a case centering on campaign finance practices.

One issue is whether Mr. Edwards knew that some of the millions of dollars given by at least two wealthy donors was being used to help support — and hide, some contend — Rielle Hunter, the campaign videographer with whom he had a prolonged affair, and the daughter they conceived.

The money used to support Ms. Hunter could be considered campaign contributions if prosecutors can show that Mr. Edwards helped orchestrate donations for that purpose, or that he knew the money would be used to keep the affair hidden so it would not hurt his 2008 presidential candidacy.

George Holding, the United States attorney in Raleigh, who was appointed by President George W. Bush, as well as a Justice Department lawyer and agents from the F.B.I. and the Internal Revenue Service are looking at a number of campaign accounts and the records of a nonprofit group connected to Mr. Edwards, according to people who have been subpoenaed and others who have knowledge of the case.

Those who have been subpoenaed include dozens of former campaign workers, top aides, friends and Ms. Hunter. Investigators have also interviewed Rachel Mellon, 100, a reclusive banking heiress known as Bunny who may have given as much as $6 million to the Edwards operation, and several of her relatives.

A highly placed former campaign worker who testified late last fall said in an interview that he was pressed about Mr. Edwards’s understanding of the campaign’s finances and was asked “lots of questions about sex.”

Sex, lies and misused money - just day to day operations in John Edward's America. Alas for him, the rest of the nation may choose to hold him responsible based on their standards, and not his.

Wonder what the useful idiots who supported this two-faced bastard are thinking now?
