วันอังคาร, มีนาคม 01, 2554

Coming To A Gas Station Near You?

Thanks, Barack:

You know, when gas prices "skyrocketed" under Bush, there was quite the hue and cry in the media to release the nation's fuel reserves into the market to help lower the price, for the sake of the poor....

Now? Crickets....despite the fact that gasoline was a mere $1.89 a gallon when Hope and Change was inaugurated...

Wonder if the media is now less concerned about the poor, and more fixated on pushing through a green agenda, one that would make a lot more sense if gas was in the $5- $6 a gallon range...
Most likely, they were never concerned about the poor in the first place, just looking for any weapon they could to bash 'ol W.

Now, with their obstinate silence, they are instead bashing the average suburban family, in order to force us to fork over an exorbitant price for gasoline, which they will use in short order to rationalize their bizarre psycho-sexual train fetish....
