วันจันทร์, มีนาคม 14, 2554

It's Time For PBS To Get Off The Public Tit As Well...

...as it seems that their news-gathering and websites are equally as left-wing as their sisters at NPR.

True, PBS leaves out the sneer factor that gets the masses so easily enraged with NPR, and substitutes the cute factor, fronting their operation with Big Bird and Elmo. I'm less than impressed, as Hamas uses big floppy man-puppets as well to spread their message of hate.

A little harsh? Hardly. Via Contentions, we learn that PBS, when writing about conservative figures on their Frontline page, hyperlinks their names to a radical leftist site called Right Web ("Tracking militarists’ efforts to influence U.S. foreign policy"), which puts together false, biased biographies with more than a tinge of anti-semitism.

An article on the movie "Iranium" is subtitled "Documentary pushing hawkish Iran posture produced by company with ties to Israeli far right". Check out the links, Michael Leeden is foremost noted as "a Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs", while Frank Gaffney is biographied thusly:

Frank Gaffney heads the Center for Security Policy (CSP), a hardline neoconservative advocacy group that promotes controversial weapons programs, a Likudnik line on Mideast peace issues, and an expansive "war on terror" targeting "Islamofascists" (a popular Gaffney term) throughout the Middle East.

"Jewish Institute"? "Likudnik"? Hmmm....not a coincidence, as another article links to a Right Web biography of The Atlantic's Jeffery Goldberg, who is then described on the header, first and foremost, as an Israeli Defense Forces former corporal . Gasp!

Right Web has every right to exist and spew, of course, but it this the website Frontline should be linking to when offering information about conservative figures? Is this what PBS really believes about conservatives, or is it a well thought-out propaganda war against conservatives waged with taxpayer money? And furthermore, since every biography I've read seems to have its rage heated with more than a wee bit of Jew-hatred, should we take it for granted that this is the worldview of the PBS editorial staff as well?

I do. Thus endeth my donations to this organization. And it is far past time to end the taxpayer subsidies of these clowns as well. Get Oscar and Kermit off of welfare, and on the corporate track - there are plenty of big-name companies that would love to sponsor PBS's children's programming. And there's an added bonus as well: Corporate money is less dirty these days than government money, which has invariably been extorted from an innocent taxpayer who needs it more than Miss Piggy does...

Time for PBS to explain. And get to the hard work of obtaining private funding. They may have to curtail their anti-semetic activities somewhat, but - sigh - such is the price of dealing with the unenlightened...

UPDATE: Related, somewhat: Barack Obama: America's First NPR President
