วันพฤหัสบดี, ธันวาคม 16, 2553

They Said If We Elected John McCain...

...Republicans would demagogue domestic policy using the cudgel of "national security"....and they were right!

Well, kind of:

The Obama administration today told Congress to pass an omnibus spending bill containing $8 billion in earmark projects, even though just a few days ago the president said one of the lessons he learned from the 2010 midterm elections was to take more seriously the public’s disapproval of – and his pledge to oppose -- earmarks.

We wish there were no earmarks and are troubled with their presence” in the $1.1 trillion omnibus spending bill, an administration source told ABC News. “But Secretary Gates has told the President that the alternative bill” – a continuing resolution that for one year funds the government, which is due to run out of cash at the end of the week – “doesn't have the funding critical for several national security priorities.”

The same excuse Obama and his fetid wife used to pass the intrusive Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 - you know, the one which bans school bake sales on the grounds of "national security"....

With a hat tip to Instapundit, who coined the title phrase...
