วันอังคาร, ธันวาคม 07, 2553

Egypt Blames Jewish Sharks In Red Sea Attacks

No, folks, there will never, ever, be peace in the Middle East - not when every single event that reflects negatively on the Arabs is attributed to the malfeasance of Israel.

You can hear a lifetime of propaganda, spend your days and nights listening to North Korean/Palestinian/Iranian/Russian/Venezuelan radio, and still never again here anything as insanely stupid as this:

Egyptian officials say they have not ruled out the possibility that a fatal shark attack in Sinai on Sunday could have been a plot by the Mossad.

“What is being said about the Mossad throwing the deadly shark [in the sea] to hit tourism in Egypt is not out of the question, but it needs time to confirm,” South Sinai Gov. Muhammad Abdel Fadil Shousha was quoted as saying by the Egyptian state news site egynews.net.

Israeli officials said the claims were too ludicrous to comment on. Israel has issued an advisory warning against travel to Sinai due to plots against Israelis by terrorist groups linked to al-Qaida.

The fatal shark attack in the Red Sea off the coast of the resort town of Sharm e-Sheikh killed a German tourist, just days after four Russians were mauled by sharks and Egypt declared that the waters were safe.

Experts said that despite announcements that Egypt had caught the shark, the one actually responsible for the maulings was still on the loose.

What next? "Egyptian officials blame last night's unusually heavy rainstorm on thousands of expert long-distance-spitting Jews lined up at the border. Trained by the Mossad, their foul spittle was the primary cause of the flooding in major cities yesterday, not an antiquated drainage system as dissidents - paid for by the Jews - have been charging..."

You have to laugh. Until you realize that this nonsense keeps a perilous portion of the world in a constant state of open warfare....

Artwork via Yid w/Lid
