วันเสาร์, ธันวาคม 18, 2553

The DREAM Dies...

...and with it, the Democrat's attempt to add 15 million voters to their rolls:

The DREAM Act cloture vote just failed in the Senate, 55 to 41.

The cloture vote was on the version of DREAM that passed the House earlier this month.

Among Republicans, only Sens. Bob Bennett of Utah, Richard Lugar of Indiana, and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska voted for the bill.

On the Democat side, Sens. Jon Tester of Montana, Max Baucus of Montana, Ben Nelson of Nebraska, Mark Pyror of Arkansas, and Kay Hagan of North Carolina voted against the bill.

Murkowski is going to be a nightmare; she will vote based on her 2010 "re-election coalition" (38% of the total vote) of spiteful Alaskan Democrats and confused Alaskan Republicans. Which will get her neither re-elected in 2016 nor nominated for the presidency in 2012, which some say is her real goal...

Her counterweight will be West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin, who, facing re-election in 2012, will have to vote as far right as a Democrat can in order to win again. He essentially canceled out Murkowski by voting against the DREAM, but don't expect that to happen every time...

Bottom line is that this despicable piece of legislation was killed on the floor, and another attempt by the Democrats to force through their radical agenda - despite it being historically repudiated by the populace - has failed.

Another win for the Tea Party? That's three that I can count, with two more battles - the START treaty and DADT - still on Reid's dockett.

Can we go 5-0? With each victory we get stronger...
