วันจันทร์, สิงหาคม 16, 2553

While waiting on $8 billion in "anti-obesity funds", Michelle Obama orders the double-double

Yup...it looks as though hungry Americans living on food stamps will now have to starve to death so that Michelle Obama can tell fat kids to eat less. Does that include herself? Wait, I'm not there yet...let's start here, at Michelle Malkin's place:

The House will soon consider an $8 billion child nutrition bill that’s at the center of the first lady’s “Let’s Move” initiative. Before leaving for the summer recess, the Senate passed a smaller version of the legislation that is paid for by trimming the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as food stamps.

The proposed cuts would come on top of a 13.6 percent food stamp reduction in the $26 billion Medicaid and education state funding bill that President Obama signed this week....

Lucky this country isn't suffering through a Great Recession or anything like that, or else we would need to keep that money in food stamps, and...oh, wait. Yeah....

It's an outrage, all right - go visit Miss Malkin's place for how Michelle Obama's anti-obesity crusade is designed to fatten some up...assuming you're in a union, of course.

And speaking of the First Skank (yes, I know, I am a racist because I think she is unattractive, even though I've probably dated more black girls than Barack Obama), it seems as if her "anti-obesity" initiative is a classic case of "fat for me, but not for thee". While her and her husband work out a way to steal another $8 billion in taxpayer dollars, they help themselves to some ice cream.

A lot of ice cream:

Gee, Michelle, is that a double-scoop of chocolate chip mint, or a triple? Looks like young Sasha has a pretty sizable portion herself - not that it's any of my business, but if Michelle can stick her nose in my waistline, I can certainly comment on hers and her daughter's. Speaking of which, hasn't Sasha picked up the angry liberal frown just perfectly?

Remember this picture, when the Obamas inevitably hit us with the "ice cream tax", in order to pay for obesity-related national health care costs. We'll be paying double for a single, while they'll be paying half for a triple. All while spending $8 billion of our money to tell us how much we suck, as the King and Queen continue to engorge themselves lavishly in the very lifestyle they try so hard to keep us from attaining...

Well, screw you guys - I'm going to the corner and ordering the triple. With sprinkles, bitch. Every ice cream cone is now an act of rebellion, a display of rage against the socialized health care machine....
