วันพุธ, สิงหาคม 25, 2553

The ObamaCare Effect: Colleges To Drop Student Policies

These policies, by the way, were an excellent low-cost insurance options tailored to the 18-26 student population, and a great way to get kids to see the benefits of, and get into the habit of buying, health insurance.

Well, that's done. Hey, Obama promised "Change", "Change you can believe in", not "Change for the better", OK? Sheesh:

Colleges and universities say that some rules in the new health law could keep them from offering low-cost, limited-benefit student insurance policies, and they're seeking federal authority to continue offering them.

Their request drew immediate fire from critics, however, who say that student health plans should be held to the same standards that other insurance is.

Among other things, the colleges want clarification that they won't have to offer the policies to non-students.

Without a number of changes, it may be impossible to continue to offer student health plans, says a letter that the American Council on Education sent Aug. 12 to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, signed by 12 other trade associations that represent colleges.

...Requiring them to meet even some of the new rules could drive up premiums, colleges say. Premiums could increase, for example, if regulators determine that student health plans are considered "individual" policies rather than group plans, which often get a better rate...

The liberal McClatchy news organization, which published this piece, is adamant that the schools follow the rules set forth by The One thru His Good Book, also known as ObamaCare. And guess what? I agree with them 100%.

Hey - we all go down together. No carve outs, especially for the University population, who voted in massive numbers for the Administration in power and the policies now in place. What - they want to be protected from the reality that they created?

Sorry. Sometimes you need to come down from the ivory tower and see how your radical ideas actually look and feel once they are in practice. And when your school is in lockdown because of a sick student population, a shortage of medicine to treat them, and too few doctors to administer it, perhaps you will see the errors of your ways.

More likely, they'll simply blame Bush...
