วันจันทร์, สิงหาคม 30, 2553

Rush Holt: And We Shall Know Thee By Thy Votes....

So I'm playing with this Washington Post interactive page, where you can get all kind of information about the voting record of each member of Congress. Rush Holt (D-NJ) has voted with Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic party 98.2% of the time, one of the highest in Congress (So remember, residents of CD-12, your representative believes Nancy Pelosi's vision of remaking America is virtually perfect for you and your family. So enjoy).

I was more interested in when Holt voted against the wishes of his party. The examples are illuminating, as almost every time he voted against the Democrats there was bipartisan agreement on the bill in question. It takes a Rush Holt to spit in the face of the few areas of bipartisanship in Congress over the last few years:

7/28/10 Vote 479: H R 5827: To Amend Title 11 of the United States Code to Include Firearms in the Types of Property Allowable Under the Alternative Provision for Exempting Property From the Estate DEMS YES, GOP YES, HOLT NO - because exempting anything - especially firearms! - from he estate tax lowers the government's take of your riches...

2/25/10 Vote 67: H R 3961: Medicare Physician Payment Reform Act - To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to reform the Medicare SGR payment system for physicians and to reinstitute and update the Pay-As-You-Go requirement of budget neutrality on new tax and mandatory spending legislation, enforced by the threat of annual, automatic sequestration. DEMS YES GOP YES HOLT NO - because it forces the government (in theory) to keep spending limited to revenue. And Holt can't abide by any limits in spending....

Vote 280: H R 2352: Job Creation Through Entrepreneurship Act - Amends the Small Business Act to direct the Administrator of the Small Business Administration (SBA) to establish a Veterans Business Center Program to provide entrepreneurial training and counseling to veterans. DEMS YES GOP YES HOLT NO - Why would the rabidly anti-war Holt want to do anything that helps veterans?

3/18/09 Vote 139: H R 1388: Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education (Give) Act DEMS YES, GOP YES HOLT NO - because volunteering time and money is not the same as taxation and coercion, which is the forced giving of time and money. Gee, what do you think Holt prefers?

1/16/08 Vote 11: H R 4986: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 DEMS YES GOP YES HOLT NO - becuase it involves the military, which Holt is intent on defunding. Along with veteran services...

12/11/07 Vote 1143: H RES 847: Recognizing the Importance of Christmas and the Christian Faith DEMS YES GOP YES HOLT "PRESENT". Did Holt ask his constituents about this one? If he's proud of it,why not put it in an ad? "On the importance of Christmas, Rush Holt is proud to have voted Present!"

10/24/07 Vote 995: H R 1483: Celebrating America’s Heritage Act DEMS YES GOP YES HOLT NO. Why would Holt refuse to celebrate America's heritage? Maybe this is why - from the bill: "Prohibits the Alliance from using federal funds received under this subtitle to acquire any interest in real property". If he can't use money as power why use it at all?

I ask my fellow residents of CD-12: Does this man represent you? Is his vision for our country and your life match yours?

If so, well - good luck with that. if not, we have a choice in 2010. We better act on it, or Rush Holt will continue to turn our little patch of suburban New Jersey into a bizarre San Francisco East...
