วันอังคาร, สิงหาคม 24, 2553

Poll: Tea Party Darlin' Anna Little Closing In On Frank Pallone

OK, so it's an internal poll, so take it with a grain of salt. But just a grain, as I noticed that Pallone's campaign hasn't released any polling results at all....

In a poll released by the Anna Little for Congress campaign, Anna Little is only six points behind 22-year incumbent Frank Pallone. The poll, conducted by National Research Inc., shows Pallone at 40% and Little closing the gap at 34%. Perhaps most telling is that Pallone has nearly 100% name ID among voters in the district.

First of all, the 100% name recognition - even if it's"only" 80% or so - is huge, as a challenger's biggest obstacle against an entrenched incumbent can be the "Scott who? Nevah heard of ya" syndrome. Apparently, everyone, or close to it, knows who Anna Little is...and here's why:

During the past five weeks, Anna Little’s volunteer army has knocked on more than 10,000 doors in the Sixth District. A tireless campaigner, having won her past five elections for Mayor and Freeholder in similar fashion, Anna is comfortable taking her message directly to the voters.

Evidence of Anna's comfort with the people is here. Certainly more so than Frank Pallone, who now refuses to conduct town halls, only "one-on-ones" , primarily with "organization reps"....

Hey, Scott Brown was down by a dirty dozen or so just over a month out in Massachusetts before roaring to a convincing win over the Democratic machine. Frank Pallone is now just another member of an unpopular party with a voting record tied to an unpopular president and and even more unpopular Congress. In a year when Republican likely voters are twice as enthused (46% to 23%) as their Democratic counterparts, why can't Anna win, especially over a candidate that - vagaries of the poll notwithstanding - cannot break 50%?

Money, you say? Then get your sorry ass over to Anna Little's site and give some. Consider it an investment....

2 ความคิดเห็น:

Cammie Novara กล่าวว่า...

The moment I navigated to the hilarious Yes We Scam! B.S. We Can Believe In! Obama Approval Plummets site I realized that Jersey Nut's web visitors really have to express their opinion on this link: http://hubpages.com/hub/Yes-We-Scam-BS-We-Can-Believe-In-Obama-Approval-Plummets

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

Let's also not forget that the district went +8 for Christie despite going overwhelmingly for Obama. The winds have shifted to the right in NJ-6.