วันพุธ, มิถุนายน 30, 2553

Pamela Gorman, Straight Shooter...

...and candidate for Congress in Arizona's CD-3.

Why do we love her? Because she has driven the Left to distraction, Sarah Palin-style, with her recent campaign video - via
Legal Insurrection:

The candidate
has some fun with her critics:

Who would have known that this little volunteer project would have been what triggered the Left to take notice and really hate me with such vigor?!
There is so much they could have already hated me for that they overlooked. I'm almost offended!

They are going to be really surprised when they find out that the fun little video is nothing compared to what they are really going to get when I serve in Congress!

I have received the most amazing and almost artfully profane messages as a result of this video. It seems that it triggers the deep dark nasty places in people's imaginations. Wish I had time to do a study on why that is. But, I will suffice it to say that nearly all of the twisted dark comments have come from the left... go figure. :)

My question, of course: Do the Democrats hate Pam because she's a woman, or do they hate her because her affinity for light weaponry emasculates them?

Or do they hate her because they fear her, and think she can win?

The mere fact alone she has stirred such passion is good enough for me to stop by
her site on payday with a little something for the campaign...
