วันพฤหัสบดี, มิถุนายน 17, 2553

Obama/Biden Plan A Summer of Economic Kabuki Dances

Couldn't believe my eyes when I read this piece this morning...just how stupid does the Obama administration think the American people are?

Plenty, apparently:

OBAMA, BIDEN DECLARE “RECOVERY SUMMER”: Vice President Biden today will kick off “Recovery Summer,” a six-week-long push designed to highlight the jobs accompanying a surge in stimulus-funded projects to improve highways, parks, drinking water and other public works. Biden will present President Obama with a report laying out a spike in stimulus activity this summer, and how it will contribute to a steady climb to a total of 3.5 million Recovery Act jobs by the end of the year. Biden, Obama and other administration officials will travel to more than two dozen Recovery Act project sites in coming weeks....

And I'll bet there are golf courses within driving distance of most of them...

Professor Obama still believes that a thing is so simply because he says it is. Even it that were true - the ultimate ego-maniacal fantasy - the perfesser still has a problem:

...Obama is no longer a draw, and the public is tuning him out — and off. It is a function of both his overexposure and his polarizing effect....

And the ones who are listening have long since learned to break the code:

[I] was also struck by the reaction of the people in the Frank Luntz citizen panel featured by Sean Hannity in his Fox show after the speech. I expected them to find the speech weak, but I was surprised to hear so many argue that Obama’s rhetoric had focused on getting cap-and-trade legislation passed rather than on responding pragmatically to the oil spill.
This surprised me because Obama was actually oblique and nonspecific in his agenda-related references....

....Frank Luntz’s panelists saw it differently. As far as most of them were concerned, Obama is not letting the crisis go to waste at all. Regardless of what he said, what they heard was that the president is more focused on passing cap-and-trade than on controlling the consequences of the oil spill.
If Luntz’s panelists are truly representative, as he labors to ensure they are, then there seems to be a decisive loss for Obama of the benefit of public doubt.

Well, he's still got about a third of the nation following him like lost puppies; that should hopefully be enough to feed Obama's grandiose delusions of power....and success. See what happens when everyone in school gets an "A" so as not to hurt their self-esteem? They all come out thinking they are actually, well...smart.

I'm guessing that this remaining ragtag pack of devotees should help him, like Alvin Greene, garner about 20% or so of the vote in the next general election...
