วันอังคาร, มิถุนายน 22, 2553

...and yet another truth comes out about Obamacare...

...more of a revelation, all in one simple AP headline:

AP sources: Obama to announce new health benefits

Not "Insurance companies announce...", but "Obama to announce...".

What's it called when the political leadership takes control of private corporations?

Oh, yeah.


How's this gonna work out for us?

See "Oil Spill, Gulf Coast"....

UPDATE: AP has revised headline to read "White House releases 'patients' bill of rights"

Phew. Close one. They almost let it slip out. Meanwhile, I gotta start taking screenshots...

UPDATE II: From the New York Times:

President Obama, whose vilification of insurers helped push a landmark health care overhaul through Congress, plans to sternly warn industry executives at a White House meeting on Tuesday against imposing hefty rate increases in anticipation of tightening regulation under the new law, administration officials said Monday.

“Our message to them is to work with this law, not against it; don’t try and take advantage of it or we will work with state authorities and gather the authority we have to stop rate gouging,” David Axelrod, Mr. Obama’s senior adviser, said in an interview...

Of course, the law as written gives the White House no powers in addressing insurance premiums. But when has that ever stopped a socialist before?
