วันอังคาร, มิถุนายน 15, 2553

Obama's Address From The Oval Office: Gulf Oil Spill Conspiracy Unveiled?

Interesting that Barack Obama compared the Gulf oil spill to the 9/11 attacks on America. Well, I guess in Barack Obama's mind, 11 dead and an oily mess is the equivalent to 3000 murdered and two key American cities with huge holes on the ground.

That's sick enough. But what's worse is the way he is about to use this cynical, rhetorical, professorial analogy to entrap and enslave Americans into a "cap & trade" carbon emissions scam that will send energy prices skyrocketing. Just wait for his speech tonight, rumors are already flying:

President Barack Obama will outline his plan to deal with the leaking BP oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as an approach toward reducing U.S. dependence on fossil fuels in his Tuesday night speech to the nation, a White House spokesman said.

Smells like "cap and tax" to me. How convenient - just after the president announces (in his first act of bi-partisanship) he might think about letting some states consider studying offshore drilling at some point in the future, an oil rig blows up, allowing him to walk back his previous comments, impose limits on drilling (based on lies), and prop up his beloved cap and trade bill, one which will drain billions out of the productive American economy and into the social welfare system being created by the Democrats.

I'm curious - did Barack Obama ever profess belief in the 9/11 Truther's doctrine, the one that stated George Bush destroyed the World Trade Center so he could start a "war for oil"? Maybe Barack Obama (believing that, whatever Bush could do, he could do better) destroyed the BP Deepwater Horizon drilling rig to start a war against oil. In this scenario, the oil spill is the equal of the 9/11 attacks, BP is al-Qaeda, and Obama is George W. Bush - but a kinder, more intelligent, more compassionate, enlightened George W. Bush. Obama didn't kill American citizens for oil profits, but to start a just war - against oil profits!

Of course, Obama is counting on Americans to deliver to him two things - things that all liberals expect from Americans - gullibility and stupidity. He honestly believes he can sell this scenario to the public, based on his smooth oratory and the backdrop of the Oval Office. Well, I guess anything is possible, but what is equally likely is that Americans will fly into a rage at a president who cheapens their dead and tries to use their memory, and this utterly convenient oil spill, to impose further government control onto their lives. He'll invoke the Patriot Act and Homeland Security (look! he is going to appoint a "oil recovery czar"! Seriously!) as precedents, but I don't think anyone will be sold on his dime-novel hysterics....except for the mainstream media, who believe that protecting pelicans is more moral than protecting American citizens....

And with the failure of this speech, and the failure to contain the spill, Obama's conspiracy will begin to unravel. Ken Salazar will resign, Rahm Emanuel will hang himself, and Obama will be revealed as no more than a real-life Lex Luther - a clever, but flawed, criminal, by no means as smart as he imagines himself to be...

Watch it unfold, tonight, live on TV....

UPDATE: How could I have missed the most obvious reason for Barack Obama to blow up an oil rig? To loot the oil companies money before nationalizing them! I sh*t thee not:

President Barack Obama is poised to seize the handling of oil spill damage claims from BP, his chief spokesman said Tuesday, as Obama sought to reassure people he's up to the enormous challenge of helping them recover from the environmental disaster

On the matter of the disputed damage payments, Gibbs said, "We have to get an independent claims process. I think everyone agrees that we have to get BP out of the claims processes ...

He noted in one interview that Obama "has the legal authority" to make the claims process independent. And Gibbs said "the best way to prevail upon BP is to take the claims process away from BP."

I wonder how well seizing the assets of a multi-national organization is going to sit with other businesses who now might re-consider plans to set up operation in the United States.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have elected Hugo Chavez. And yes, I realize that about 33% of you are quite happy with that...

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I can't remember a scarier time in the history of my little life than now. And, the fact that 1/3 of the people are happy with the state of things is what scares me the most.