วันเสาร์, มิถุนายน 19, 2553

A Marine's Vigil

Video from "Rolling Thunder 2010" - a lone Marine stands vigil for three hours, in full dress, at attention, as a procession of bikers from across this great nation travels through Washington, D.C. to honor our war dead on Memorial Day.


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SSgt Tim Chambers กล่าวว่า...

would like to briefly share with you some of the amazing things this salute has brought out of people. A few dozen Vietnam Veterans have told me the salute made it their duty to make to the wall and pay homage to their brothers and sisters (this was even after they drove hundreds if not thousands of miles to be in DC and still could not make it to the Mall). I have also been told the salute gave them the courage to make a phone call they should of made thirty years ago they promised their dying brother they would make to the fallen service members family and some even promised to take care of the warriors family, but when they returned home they could not even take care of themselves. Last year I took a weapon with me across country and did name readings honoring the fallen from Iraq and Afghanistan I broke bread with over 400 families and consoled them from all over the country, I also presented flags to the families and told them this flag is not presented on the behalf of your sons honorable service but to your sacrifice of your own blood in the defense of others and the freedoms of the World. I then put the weapon in front of me during the Rolling Thunder Procession and people laid roses at the boots, then a young girl came up to me thanked me for my service, and told me she lost her dad five days ago in Iraq. I took her to the middle of the street showed her the roses and told her they were laid down in honor of your father out of love from people all over the country, and he is a hero he saved lives and what he left behind will continue to save lives, now it is up to you and I to honor his sacrifice and reach for the stars in what ever we do, when we grow up.

If you go to youtube not "x" tube, and you search these words "tim chambers speeches " and you will find four speeches I gave across country and one in particular explains the reason for the salute.

I have included some links of blogs/news articles of my other passions that are not as painful as holding the salute but just as fulfilling in my heart and soul.
I promise this is not forwarded crap you get from friends and family this is worth reading and they are short reads with pictures "Marine Proof" :)




