วันเสาร์, พฤษภาคม 08, 2553

Who Is...Riot Dog?

Has Karl Marx returned, in canine form? For while rioting may be a Greek way of life, it seems as if there is one cadre who is tougher than most, who never misses a fight, and who refuses to back down from the riot batons.

And he's a...dog. Riot Dog, they call him:

A mystery mutt has turned up at every major demonstration in Athens for the past two years and earned iconic status.

In recent photos he is seen showing solidarity with hooded rock-throwers and barking at cops in riot gear.

"What brings him to the riots? Does he believe in the overthrow of private ownership?" an admirer asked on Facebook.

Well I'll tell you, I have plenty of issue with the anarchist ass-clowns who populate the Greek Isles these days, but I gotta give props to that pup for fighting for what he believes in....whatever that may be. And he's no johnny-come-lately to the hardcore riot scene, he's been fighting the good fight against the "dogs" of capitalism for years. Some additional pictures of this mad-dog's street cred:

In the fog of tear gas and smoldering Molotov Cocktails, Riot Dog stands tall. He's so freakin' tough, he refuses to wear a gas mask!

Riot Dog, unlike many of his human counterparts, knows when it's time to get behind some cover...

With nothing to fear from "the pound" (Riot Dog knows where the hot bitches are at!), our hero faces the Euro-cops head-on. Look at them cower before the Dog of the People!

Riot Dog won't even give the police the satisfaction of running from them, as he slowly trots back towards the front lines, while enjoying a cool, cleansing shower from their capitalistic hoses...

"I wish my dog would stand up for what she believes in," a pet-loving blogger wrote....

So many speak of the fight for freedom, so few dare to risk it all. If Riot Dog was American he'd be a Marine; Semper Fidelis, always faithful to the cause (whatever the hell it is in Greece these days), and of course, First to Fight.

Can you respect the soldier without respecting the cause? If you can, I'm a fan..of Riot Dog.

His Facebook pic and profile:


3 ความคิดเห็น:

Conservative Libertine กล่าวว่า...

We need to invent 'Tea Party Dog'. He would be an angry, yappy shitzu that won't shut up. It would be fun to watch the media portray the dog as a symbol of violence, and Nancy Pelosi could snivel tearfully how she is frightened by the dig.

The JerseyNut กล่าวว่า...

Dude that is so funny! "Tea Party Dog" - maybe he should be a big, silent dog who doesn't make a lot of noise, but when he does bark - with a clear, loud "WOOF!" - everybody takes notice...

ไม่ระบุชื่อ กล่าวว่า...

I wonder if it is possible to reason with Riot Dog? Maybe he could be used for good?