วันศุกร์, พฤษภาคม 21, 2553

Video: Chris Christie Vetoes Tax Hike With A Sneer !

It's a beautiful thing...Democrats in the New Jersey State Senate walk over a just-passed "millionaire's tax" (which starts at $400K; typical liberal mathematics) and Chris Christie shoots it down with a smirk

It took about two minutes from the time Senate President Steve Sweeney certified the passage of the millionaires tax package for Gov. Chris Christie to veto the bills at his desk...

The fun starts at the 1:20 mark, as the pompous Democratic leader walks a multi-culti posse down to the governor's office. Christie, playing true to form, is waiting, takes the bill, and promptly vetoes it:

"What took you so long ?" asked Christie spokesman Michael Drewniak.

Christie sat at a wooden desk emblazoned with the seal of the state of New Jersey and swiftly signed vetoes.

"We'll be back, governor," said Sweeney.

"Alright, we'll see," said Christie

At the 2:00 minute mark, Christie explains why simply "taxing the rich" is failed policy - with all the simplicity and logic of a former prosecuter - though I doubt that will sway Democratic demagogues from the ideological tax-hiking fervor:

'Millionaires tax' bills pass both houses, but is vetoed by Gov. Christie

Save us, Chris Christie...you're our only hope...
